Bagani (Sid Lucero) was in deep grief for the death of his great love. Meanwhile, Amaya (Marian Rivera) was accompanied by the umalagad Magwayen (Aubrey Miles) and told her that she will brough to the Sulad. Amaya did not know that upon reaching there she will not be able to go back to the real world. For that, Datu Bugna (Raymond Bagatsing) and the Babylan went to the Diwata Pandaki (Tanya Garcia) to ask to get Amaya and bring her back to the world for she has a great mission to do. Pandaki granted their wish and fought with Magwayen in exchange for Amaya. When Bagani was about to kill himself he saw Amaya moved and he was very glad of the happenings. Suddenly an uripon came inside and was shocked to what she saw. She then reported what happened to the Babylans.
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